Meet the Trainer

Hi, I’m Alisa Healy, owner, and trainer at Dog Forward Training. I graduated from the Dog Trainer Professional program at Karen Pryor Academy and am a Certified Training Partner (KPA CTP, certification number 14193). I am also a Certified Family Dog Mediator (FDM). I started Dog Forward Training to help dedicated owners live fun, active lives with their pups. Life with a dog can be downright magical. And I know from personal experience that it can also be stressful. I can help you find real solutions, so you and your dog understand each other. My desire is for you to spend more time actually enjoying your companion!
At the age of four, I got my first dog, and so began my lifelong obsession! Over the years, I’ve shared my life with several dogs, each who taught me valuable lessons that I carry with me today. I’ve been training dogs since 2014 and have had some unique opportunities to improve my skills. Some of my favorites have been working with shelter dogs in Malawi, Africa, coaching incarcerated youth as they learned to clicker train dogs, and training a variety of animals at a wildlife rescue, including porcupines, foxes and wallabies.
I live in West Dundee, Illinois with my husband and two dogs, though I’m originally from California. I love to explore the local Forest Preserves with my dogs – it’s my favorite thing about living in this area. I also write about dogs and training for my own blog, The Kindred Canine, and another blog, Journey Dog Training.
My Training Methods
My training is fun, effective and kind for both the dog and human. I utilize positive reinforcement and subscribe to LIMA principles. Most often, that means using treats and toys to help the dog understand what we want them to do. Positive reinforcement training is a very powerful tool! Dogs learn quickly, they respond to you with enthusiasm, they remember what they’ve learned, and it helps foster a sense of connection and trust between you and your dog. Studies show that owners who train their dogs with positive reinforcement report better behaved dogs. You will be amazed by how smart your dog is when trained with positive reinforcement!
I do not use training techniques that cause a dog fear or pain.
What is a KPA CTP?
A KPA CTP is a certification administered by the Karen Pryor Academy. As a KPA CTP, I have demonstrated a high level of technical knowledge and hands-on skills for teaching both dogs and people. I am skilled in using positive training methods to help you and your dog live together peacefully. I am educated in science-based, modern training techniques that make training fun and efficient for both the human and canine. My knowledge in canine behavior allows me to create personalized training plans to help you experience the most success with your dog. Additionally, I participate in continuing education opportunities so that I can bring you the most up-to-date, effective training methods. I am committed to using force-free training so that you and your dog can develop a bond built on trust and respect.

Meet the
Training Assistants

I share my life with two incredible dogs. Lazlo (left) is a one-year-old Whippet and Ruby (right) is a seven-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. They help out during my virtual training sessions, so I can model training exercises for clients when needed, and sometimes accompany me for puppy field trips. Ruby and Lazlo are also my dog agility teammates and we enjoy training and competing together. They’re the best outdoor adventure companions, and very good home office coworkers too. I’m grateful to be able to learn so many valuable lessons through the relationships I’ve developed with my own dogs. They have made me a better trainer.